After: (September 2017) Tavis before beginning our Nutrition Challenge

After: (September 2017) Tavis before beginning our Nutrition Challenge

Before (January 2017) Tavis after his last Personal Training Intro session

Before (January 2017) Tavis after his last Personal Training Intro session


I joined Max Oxygen Crossfit in January 2017. My motivation for walking in the front door is probably shared by many: I was out of shape and my poor fitness was affecting my life.

After 10 years of a couch-pizza-beer lifestyle it wasn't easy getting moving, but an encouraging and attentive coaching crew and a supportive community have kept me coming back. The coaches tailor each workout to my abilities, they provide cues to improve my technique (and keep the workout safe), and push me towards becoming a fit and healthy person. The community has also been an important part of my journey: the atmosphere, camaraderie, accountability, and support they provide make Max Oxygen a special place. I enjoy going to the gym each day.

Most importantly, after 6 months of "fitnessing" with the Max Oxygen crew, there have been results. I am a much happier person. My persistent back and knee pain has resolved, all those pesky body metrics have returned to normal levels (cholesterol down 100 points and dropped 40 lbs), and I have achieved a good work-life balance. 

I am very happy that I walked into the gym ~6 months ago: it has changed my life. As I continue to work towards my personal goals, I know I can count on the support, great workouts, and friendship from the team at Max Oxygen.



With throbbing pain running down my leg, an active muscle spasm in my neck, and thoughts of self-doubt eclipsing my thoughts, I reluctantly walked into my first crossfit gym in November of 2016. I finished the foundations class and didn’t think I would be able to make it to my car, let alone to a full class. However, my all or nothing personality wouldn’t let me quit just yet. So, with a body full of sore muscles, and plenty of self-doubt, I went back again. And again. And again. My body kept telling me no, but I just kept going back. I’m so glad I did.

When I first started CrossFit, I was barely able to do an air squat or step up on a 12” box without getting out of breath and I did most of my bar workouts with a PVC pipe. It wasn’t for a lack of desire to be fit, but rather a string of health issues that hit me like a freight train in the previous years. I had been diagnosed with a blood disorder that often left me tired, I was battling the back pain of a herniated disc, I randomly started having debilitating muscle spasms in my head and neck, and I had just had our third child. I ended up losing more than half of my blood supply during that delivery and needing four blood transfusions. I was on multiple pain medications and muscle relaxers just to get through the day. My body was a wreck! My life was stressful! My self-confidence had disappeared! I didn’t think that I could ever have even just one pain free day again.

Max Oxygen Crossfit and the community surrounding it gave me hope for a pain free life. The coaches at Max Oxygen helped me modify the workouts so I could do them without increasing my pain. Each and every workout was hard and I was frustrated that I couldn’t do many of the movements, but the coaches at Max Oxygen kept encouraging me to do MY best, focus on MY movements, and MY strength. They encouraged me to keep stepping into the box and move for the hour long class, no matter what those movements looked like that day. After a couple months, I stopped needing my pain medication to get through the day, then a few months later I realized I hadn’t had a muscle spasm in a while. After about 7 months at Max Oxygen, I was completely off of all the medications I had needed to take just to survive a day.

In January of 2018, I successfully delivered our fourth child, without complications, and I left the hospital without needing pain medication. The coaches and community at Max Oxygen not only helped me gain strength to have a complication free delivery, get off of my medications, get stronger, and regain my self confidence, they helped me accomplish something even bigger. They helped to kick start my healthy future that I now get to enjoy pain free with my family. Looking back, I realize that even on days I didn’t want to get out of bed, I continued to come back to the gym everyday because of the community. They lifted up my spirits when I could not lift up myself - literally.

Thank you to all of the coaches and members at Max Oxygen who walked with me in my fitness journey the last couple of years, my life is forever changed because of your expertise and big-hearts.


More Testimonials Coming soon

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